Previous Programme of Events - 2008

Jan 9th: Check Your Transits - with Paul Newman
Bring your chart for the popular 'transits for the year' - and see what the planets have in store for the coming year. If you would like your chart prepared beforehand on an OHP slide please contact Muriel on 01202 604021 [or on the night you can transfer your chart to a blank slide.]

Feb 13th: Geomancy, the Mediaeval Art of Fortune Telling - Chris Mitchell:
The ancient art of geomancy, which means "fortune telling from the Earth", and has been practiced across the world for thousands of years from China (where it developed into the I Ching) to Africa and Arabic countries. By about a thousand years ago, it was well established by the Arabs, who combined it with astrology and introduced it to medieval Europe to form a system of divination that was flexible enough to be used for simple fairground fortune-telling, or to run the complex affairs of kings.In tonight's talk, Chris Mitchell from the Astrological Association will be talking about how it works, and doing free fortune telling after the talk !

Mar 12th: Saturn and soul growth: the karmic potential in your chart - Judy Hall
Esoteric astrology looked on Saturn as the ‘ring-pass-not’ beyond which only the initiated could progress and the ancients looked on Saturn as the soul. This practical workshop will explore Saturn in the birthchart as an indicator of the karmic deficits and challenges and the perennial wisdom carried by your soul. [Bring your chart on an OHP slide or on the night you can transfer your chart to a blank slide.]

Apr 9th: Hercules'Labours: the Evolutionary Path round the Zodiac - An interactive talk by Phoebe Wyss
"Which of the twelve Hercules myths is relevant to you? And what can your myth reveal about your past-life karma and your present-life challenges? We are all tested in different ways and at different times. The Hercules myths give us help in performing our labours, and astrology reveals when, how and where the hard challenges will appear." Phoebe has been a professional astrologer for donkey’s years. She runs the Brighton and Hove astrology circle, and is the author of an astrology game and a newly published book with the same title as her talk.

May 14th: Open Forum at WAC
An open evening for all levels whether complete beginners or professional. Come along and bring your charts of either personal or topical events. Bring your thoughts and ideas, bring your questions, bring your friends, but most importantly, bring yourselves.

Jun 11th: Re-evaluating Harmonic Charts - Garry Phillipson
For a while in the 80's, harmonics were slated to be the Next Big Thing in astrology. This never quite happened, and instead they have almost been forgotten in many quarters. In this talk, Garry will ask 'what went wrong' for the harmonic revolution. With that as background, he will suggest that we can in fact get a lot of useful information from charts if we look at certain harmonics, or 'minor aspects' - specifically those based on dividing the circle by 5, 7 and 9. These are, after all, key factors in Indian astrology. The talk will focus largely on the question of how we can bring these into a western horoscopic practice, without being overwhelmed by information. This will mainly be a practical, looking-at-natal-charts type of talk.

Jul 9th: TARIPAY PACHA - Lorraine Exley
The EARTHKEEPERS, medicine men and medicine women, remind us that we inform the Mysteries as much as they inform us and that we have a responsibility to become active, conscious participants in this. It is the time of The Gathering. All the traditions have spoken, the Hindus, the Mayas, the Hopi, the Andean Lamas. This is the Time we have been waiting for and it is important to learn the way of the EARTHKEEPERS, to perceive at a much higher level the energy and vibration that make up the physical universe including the planets. As astrologers we are now called upon to open ourselves to new ways of participating in this planetary energy. Lorraine is an Andean Mesa Carrier who will share with you ways to connect to this energy through your astrological work, manifesting new levels of awareness on earth. The time is Now. [please bring a pencil and paper].

To begin with there will be a couple of short introductory talks, after which we will celebrate the 7th birthday of WAC.

Sep 10th: PLUTO IN CAPRICORN – Pat Hutton
Pat will look at the implications both globally and personally of Pluto’s transit into the Saturn ruled sign of Capricorn, where it will remain until the end of November 2024. Over the last 13 years, we have become used to the extravagance of Pluto’s journey through Sagittarius, and it is no coincidence that when it joined Jupiter in Capricorn earlier this year, the credit squeeze began to bite. Pat will talk us through this and other probabilities under this influence and throw open the subject for further debate.

Oct 8th: FAMOUS ASTROLOGERS - Paul Newman
Paul looks at the charts and gives a short history on the life and work ofsome modern pioneering astrologers including Alan Leo and Charles Carter.

Karmic astrology believes that there is a purpose to incarnation, a Soul intention to grow and evolve. But can we ascertain our true purpose from the Chart and are there other factors that can intervene? To bring greater clarity to our Soul’s journey, Judy will consider it from a higher vibrational level as well as from the placement of the Moon/Saturn/Neptune and the North and South Nodes, to help us understand the challenges, expectations and ingrained patterns shown in the Chart and the karmic lessons to be learned.

Bring some mince pies and other festive goodies, look back on the year and prepare for the next.
[No admission charge for this event]